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Deploy a .NET Minimal API to Azure

Part 5 of 5 of the .NET series

Code available at GitHub

Running on Azure

Want to know how to deploy a .NET API to Azure? For .NET 7 and a Minimal API?

Since I covered an example of continuous integration for a .NET MinimalAPI demo project in my series on Better Practices in CI, in this post I move on to deploying the demo API to Azure.

Pipeline Parallels

The script has the test and publish jobs dependent on the build job. This allows the test and publish to run in parallel. The deploy job then requires both test and publish jobs to run.

We get the speed of running test and publish jobs concurrently, yet we still block the deploy if either fails.

The Deploy Yaml

From the Github Actions Workflow yaml:

    name: Manually deploy to Azure
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        shell: bash

    # this relies on GitHub settings for the production environment
    # that require manual approval before deployment

      name: production

    needs: [test, publish]      

    - name: Manually validate version
      run: |
        dotnet --version
    - name: Download artifact from publish job
      uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
        name: ${{env.PUBLISH_ARTIFACT_NAME}}
        path: ${{env.PUBLISH_PATH}}

    - name: Validate artifact presence
      run: |
        if [ -z "$(ls -A ${{env.PUBLISH_PATH}})" ]; then
           exit 1

    - name: Validate directory state
      run: |
        du -sh ./*

    - name: Deploy to Azure WebApp
      uses: azure/webapps-deploy@v2
        app-name: ${{ env.AZURE_WEBAPP_NAME }}
        package: publish
        publish-profile: ${{ secrets.LabDemoAPI_628F }}

    - name: Azure Login
      uses: azure/login@v1
        creds: ${{ secrets.LabDemoApiService_SPN }}

    - name: Import API into Azure API Management
      run: az apim api import --path "${{ env.AZURE_APIM_RESOURCE_PATH }}" --resource-group "${{ env.AZURE_APIM_RESOURCEGROUP }}" --service-name "${{ env.AZURE_APIM_SERVICENAME }}" --api-id "${{ env.AZURE_APIM_API_ID }}" --service-url "${{ env.AZURE_APIM_APPSERVICEURL }}" --specification-path "${{ env.API_IMPORT_SPECIFICATION_PATH }}" --specification-format OpenApi --subscription-required false
    - name: logout
      run: >
        az logout

    # FUTURE: ideally, we'd pull the url from a previous step's output
    - name: Basic validation that the api is running
      uses: lakuapik/gh-actions-http-status@v1
        sites: '[""]'
        expected: '[200]'  

Manual Deploy of the .NET API

If I had full confidence in my CI testing stage, I could deploy automatically to production. Instead, I configured my GitHub production settings to have manual deployment only.


The script will fail if the publish artifact is not available, per line 27 of the yaml above.

I can also visually inspect the workflow’s steps to confirm the published artifact’s existence and size.

Once the deploy to Azure has happened successfully (line 37 on), I perform an automatic validation that the API is up and running, per line 56.

Further validation will depend on the availability of tools like DataDog or NewRelic monitoring the API and alerting. However, as an alternative, I can add more extensive did-it-deploy-well testing in the GitHub Actions.

More Information

You can check out other articles online on .NET Minimal API and deployment. There’s scaffolding you can create from Visual Studio 2022‘s project publish option, and there’s scaffolding you can generate within the Azure portal, and there’s a mixed approach from Microsoft.

What I covered in this article is a mashup of those two and my own approach.

If you’re interested in Azure DevOps instead of GitHub, or need details on using GitHub as a source control, see Les Jackson’s post over on Dotnet Playbook.

CR Johnson

As a software engineer with over a decade of experience working for Fortune 50 companies developing software for Windows, the web, and a few interplanetary spacecraft, she's programmed in a plethora of languages including the C#/ASP.NET stack and, recently, Rails. She has tweaked more CSS files than she can count and geeks out a little on data and SQL databases. In her spare time she works on her first novel and enjoys bicycling and dark chocolate.