
Need a C# .NET engineer?

With a versatile and deep background, I can collaboratively engineer your back-end apps and services


Full-time: Two-week notice
Side Gigs: One-week notice


Remote: Only
Local: Lincoln, NE (Remote only)


Direct Hire: Yes, preferred
Contractor: Yes


Python Demo

In a recent technical assignment from an interview, I was given a challenge: a simple api to retrieve if a restaurant is open at the current time. This prospective employer suggested writing in (unfamiliar to me) Python at first instead of my strong, recent experience with C#.NET. I dove in. Since I engineer software and […]


An exploration of IDesign principles in .NET IDesign is one methodology for managing software. Much more than a method of architecting and designing, aspects of IDesign can be valuable in your next project. Code available at GitHub

Image by storyset on Freepik

.NET LabDemo.MinimalAPI

A set of apps providing mocked lab data exploring different aspects of .NET 7

Chained Layers

.NET Chained Configuration Demo

A demo beginning a short series of .NET 6 chained configurations from arguments through Azure App Configuration for generic host builders

Orbital Launches

Orbital Launches is a Microsoft stack mini-project involving C#/.NET and deployed via Azure. It accesses an open source external API to display data about orbital launches.

Affirm App: Rails Stack

A Rails 6 app as proof of basic Rails capability, along with basic SASS/SCSS, responsive design, external API, Postgres, MVC, GitHub, and Heroku

[ARCHIVED] Vagrant, Ansible, Ubuntu, and Ruby on Rails VM

I’ve assembled a tutorial and Github project covering how to create and run a Windows 10 virtual machine for Ruby on Rails development using Vagrant and Ansible