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IDesign and .NET: Applying to a Common .NET Scenario

Part 1 of 1 of the IDesign Exploration series

I’m excited to begin a demo project applying IDesign to .NET. This series will follow my progress. Along the way, I’ll be using a minimal api to bridge from the user app to the IDesign manager. I might even see if I can work a pub-sub pattern in as well, or perhaps dockerization.

The initial skeleton code is now up on GitHub, if you want to check it out. Also, the project is over on my portfolio page. The outline for the project shows the concept of a user app, a thin API endpoint handler layer, then the IDesign manager, accessor, and resource concepts.

Right now, the resource layer has placeholders for both a T-SQL and Postgres databases. I’ll decide soon on which way to go — what I’m currently using at work (T-SQL) or what I’ve used previously at and outside of work, Postgres.

Check out my first-look review on IDesign, or if you want to read up more on IDesign, check out their site, the book, Righting Software, or videos on YouTube.

Code available at GitHub

CR Johnson

As a software engineer with over a decade of experience working for Fortune 50 companies developing software for Windows, the web, and a few interplanetary spacecraft, she's programmed in a plethora of languages including the C#/ASP.NET stack and, recently, Rails. She has tweaked more CSS files than she can count and geeks out a little on data and SQL databases. In her spare time she works on her first novel and enjoys bicycling and dark chocolate.