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Better Practices in CI, .NET, and GitHub Actions: An Introduction

Part 2 of 3 of the Better CI In Stages series

This example covers better practices in continuous integration, CI, for .NET. While it can be adapted for other CI-CD tech stacks, the example uses a Github Actions workflow.

Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently… Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible.

Martin Fowler

Why This Example of CI in .NET?

  1. .NET is not easily configured to do discrete CI steps that use intermediate product from the previous steps, and documentation can be misleading or even lacking
  2. Developing and debugging pipeline yaml is still more of a brute-force, try, try again effort rather than a sophisticated, efficient effort
  3. Validating that the pipeline jobs and steps do the intended in terms of efficient use of resources is not always at the forefront of CI approaches — sometimes, it’s “It works!” meaning the intended product is generated
  4. Visibility into pipeline metrics such as storage consumption or duration of pipeline can be missing

Example Scope vs “Real World”

Portfolio Project

  • This example’s workflow covers only a trigger of a basic push to the GitHub repository.
    • For a live system, we would likely to have story, master, and release branches as well as merge request to take into account in our plan
  • This approach does not emulate a complex repo of multiple subsystems but can be adapted for such
  • Caching and artifacts are included as examples of better practices
    • Generally, for a simple project with few dependencies, caching and artifacts may not be worth the network load or worth maintaining a more complex yaml — depending on your CI optimization goals
  • For real systems, take an additional step of deploying the app to a testing environment where other apps live, to test how the app plays well with others
    • If possible, automate this automated as part of the CI as systems-level testing (aka integration testing)
  • This approach covers only CI, not CD; a later post will cover deployment

Overview of CI Stages

“Intermediate” in the sense that we do not need the build artifact outside of the current CI workflow, and we don’t need the publish artifact after deployment ‘

So, this approach uses

  • A cache for external nuget dependencies
  • Artifacts for intermediate ci products passed from one job to the next

GitHub Actions Workflow Yaml

While this example uses GitHub Actions workflow, you can adapt the approach to other CI tools.

Matching the diagram above, the yaml shows the CI approach used. Before we discuss CI stages, let’s take a look at how the yaml starts.

name: LabDemo.MinimalApi.BuildByStages
run-name: ${{ }} is experimenting with GitHub actions 🚀
on: [push]

    PROJECT: LabDemo.MinimalApi
    TEST_PROJECT: LabDemo.MinimalApi.Tests
    BUILD_PATH: build
    PUBLISH_PATH: publish


I’d prefer to set the name of the key for the cache as a workflow-global variable here, but hashFiles as a method inside an expression assigned to a variable does not work at the time of this writing. See below.

First, on push. On line 3 the workflow runs whenever a push to the repository happens.

  • This demo app’s CI has no special use cases for pull requests or branches.

Second, workflow-global variables. On line 5 we establish environment variables.

  • Ensures consistency in the workflow
  • Makes the yaml less error-prone
  • Makes reuse of this yaml for another project much easier.

Important Caveat About Caching

The following applies to GitHub Actions. For other tools, the caching may work differently. Think it through.

You must use the cache action in your workflow before you need to use the files that might be restored from the cache. If the provided key matches an existing cache, a new cache is not created and if the provided key doesn’t match an existing cache, a new cache is automatically created provided the job completes successfully. — GitHub Actions Cache README

CI Validation

Overall, we want to ensure

  • The workflow produces the expected output
  • Job and step behaviors are meeting expectations and/or performance goals

For output, success of the workflow is usually enough, with a little manual inspection sprinkled in.

For behavior, manual inspection has its limits — at least through most CI tools.

  • In this case, GitHub Actions have minimal metrics, like the time a workflow took to complete
  • Our example will dump sizes of subdirectories so that, by visual inspection, one can see not only the cached nuget and artifacted build and publish directories but also their sizes
  • If you want to go beyond this basic logging, third party tools exist (see “How to Track” in this article on optimizing CI-CD).

Local Debugging and Exploring of the Stages

The source code includes a bash script you can use to emulate the CI steps locally and examine behavior.

 └─➤ ./ci -a
CI support script

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ALL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  CLEAN

21M     ./LabDemo.MinimalApi.Tests/
3.9M    ./LabDemo.MinimalApi/
108K    ./img/

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  RESTORE-BUILD
MSBuild version 17.4.0+18d5aef85 for .NET
  Determining projects to restore...
  Restored C:\Users\crmcg\source\repos\LabDemo.MinimalApi\LabDemo.MinimalApi\LabDemo.MinimalApi.csproj (in 1.25 sec).
  LabDemo.MinimalApi -> C:\Users\crmcg\source\repos\LabDemo.MinimalApi\build\LabDemo.MinimalApi.dll

Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:03.07
63M     .

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  TEST
  Determining projects to restore...
  Restored C:\Users\crmcg\source\repos\LabDemo.MinimalApi\LabDemo.MinimalApi.Tests\LabDemo.MinimalApi.Tests.csproj (in 28.96 sec).
  1 of 2 projects are up-to-date for restore.
  LabDemo.MinimalApi -> C:\Users\crmcg\source\repos\LabDemo.MinimalApi\build\LabDemo.MinimalApi.dll
  LabDemo.MinimalApi.Tests -> C:\Users\crmcg\source\repos\LabDemo.MinimalApi\build\LabDemo.MinimalApi.Tests.dll
Test run for C:\Users\crmcg\source\repos\LabDemo.MinimalApi\build\LabDemo.MinimalApi.Tests.dll (.NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0)
Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 17.4.0 (x64)
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Starting test execution, please wait...
A total of 1 test files matched the specified pattern.

Passed!  - Failed:     0, Passed:     8, Skipped:     0, Total:     8, Duration: 99 ms - LabDemo.MinimalApi.Tests.dll (net7.0)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  PUBLISH
MSBuild version 17.4.0+18d5aef85 for .NET
  Determining projects to restore...
  All projects are up-to-date for restore.
  LabDemo.MinimalApi -> C:\Users\crmcg\source\repos\LabDemo.MinimalApi\LabDemo.MinimalApi\build\LabDemo.MinimalApi.dll
  LabDemo.MinimalApi -> C:\Users\crmcg\source\repos\LabDemo.MinimalApi\publish\
  LabDemo.MinimalApi.Tests -> C:\Users\crmcg\source\repos\LabDemo.MinimalApi\LabDemo.MinimalApi.Tests\build\LabDemo.MinimalApi.Tests.dll
  LabDemo.MinimalApi.Tests -> C:\Users\crmcg\source\repos\LabDemo.MinimalApi\publish\
22M     ./LabDemo.MinimalApi.Tests/
4.6M    ./LabDemo.MinimalApi/
21M     ./build/
108K    ./img/
722M    ./nuget/
45M     ./publish/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  METRICS
Original Size: 26533    . bytes
Ending Size: 834168     . bytes

Size increase: 807635 bytes

Time elapsed: 02m:09s

What’s Next

Further articles on CI stages to come — the build stage is next.

CR Johnson

As a software engineer with over a decade of experience working for Fortune 50 companies developing software for Windows, the web, and a few interplanetary spacecraft, she's programmed in a plethora of languages including the C#/ASP.NET stack and, recently, Rails. She has tweaked more CSS files than she can count and geeks out a little on data and SQL databases. In her spare time she works on her first novel and enjoys bicycling and dark chocolate.