This post covers the planning and design of feature #1 of the mini-project, Affirm. The project uses FDD, an Agile methodology, to produce an app that delivers quotations associated with keywords. See Smartsheets for the basics and LucidChart for details.
Feature #1
“The user can select one or more keywords and submit the request.”
Feature #1’s Plan
After documenting Affirm’s feature #1, I’ll move on to building this feature, incorporating stubs where necessary. Once I have a development version of the app working, I’ll deploy it to this site. Source control will be GitHub.
Affirm Feature #1’s Design
Rails will be used to generate the typical scaffolding for a crud application. A development database of keywords and keywords and references will be used. At this point of development, the resulting verses will be stubbed.

In the next part of this series, I will cover coding feature #1, a development version in a GitHub repository.